Nuclear Fusion
Last week we talked about nuclear fission and now ı will talk about nuclear fusion. Honestley, these worlds are pretty similar to each other, that's why people usually confuse these two reaction. Long story short, fission is an event that occurs the splitting of an uranium235 atom. As an result, this evet a large amount of energy releases, however, in a single atom that occurs fission reaction has a small amount of energy.Anyway, atoms are not split in fusion reactin, but two atoms combine together. ıf we use deuterium and tritium so as to occur a nuclear fusion reaction, ıt can be good this reaction. I am not saying this, these are the most suitable materials so as to occur fusion reaction. A fusion reaction can be occured by other types of atoms. To be honest, ı won't include those atoms in this topic today. Let's continue our topic. Did you know that,our sun emits light and heat with nuclear fusion reaction. Everyone has wondered how the sun burns without oxygen in t...