Robert Oppenheimer
I will talk about Robert Oppenheimer's astonishing life. Oppenheimer was borned in New York in 1904. From now on ı will shorten Oppenheimer to Oppi, because his friends called him Oppi in the past. Oppi was raised by a non religious family, apart from that he was interested in chemistry while he was a child, but ı won't talk about his childhood, long story short ı didn t search it yet. I have no doubt that, Oppi become a professor in 1936 and he had a great cantribution to theoretical physics. Some people knows him via atomic bomb but he had great success except atomic bomb. Firstly Einstein's idea about atom reached Oppi, than he didn t bealive that because he made hundreds of equations about atom, but after a while he learned that atom was splited by german scientists.
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