Robert Oppenheimer

 I will talk about Robert Oppenheimer's astonishing life. Oppenheimer was borned in New York in 1904. From now on ı will shorten Oppenheimer to Oppi, because his friends called him Oppi in the past. Oppi was raised by a non religious family, apart from that he was interested in chemistry while he was a child, but ı won't talk about his childhood, long story short ı didn t search it yet. I have no doubt that, Oppi become a professor in 1936 and he had a great cantribution to theoretical physics. Some people knows him via atomic bomb but he had great success except atomic bomb. Firstly Einstein's idea about atom reached Oppi, than he didn t bealive that because he made hundreds of equations about atom, but after a while he learned that atom was splited by german scientists.

A photo of Oppenheimer

 Oppi decided to join Manhattan project in 1942. The world war II was still continuing. He was appointed director of the Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico in 1943 and he was commissioned in order to develop the first nuclear atomic bomb. They were successful in Manhattan project, thanks to his leadership and superior knowledge. The first atomic bomb was tested as Trinity on july 16, 1956 by Oppi and his worker. This nuclear bomb was throwed by USA to Japan in agust 1945.

non-religionist: dindar olmayan
astonhising: şaşırtıcı
contribution: katkı
theoretical: teorik
equation: denklem
be commissioned: görevlendrilmek
superior knowledge: üstün bilgi



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